Why not? Unloved. Come on. Unwanted. It's not so bad. Uneeded. Just one more time. Mistreated. They won't find out. Hated. The wouldn't care anyways. Loathed. Just be quiet. Ugly. Give in. Breathe. You know you're dying to. Why aren't you perfect? Freak. They already judge you. You are nothing. No happiness. Fat. No one likes you. Hush. What's it really matters? Silence. It's not like anyone could understand. Release. Your cure is waiting. Filthy. No one could love you. Get skinny. What are you waiting for? Disgusting. They never really liked you. Do it. It's all just lies.
Esta entrada no es mía, es de Nowhere Girl. Me enamoré, le pedí ponerla en mi blog y aceptó.
Pasaos por su web, merece la pena, recomendable 100% http://nowheresgirl.blogspot.com.es
¡Un beso!
Pasaos por su web, merece la pena, recomendable 100% http://nowheresgirl.blogspot.com.es
¡Un beso!
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